Gheerulla Hall AGM on Friday at 5pm

Hi All

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is this Friday afternoon 29th of March, about 5pm. The hall is progressing well. Lots of things are happening, but for the momentum to continue the workload needs to be redistributed . The committee only meets four times  a year. Most decisions are made by email .

Be a part of this historic tradition!!  There will be a BBQ afterwards so bring your sossies or tofu and we’ll have a bit of nosh and community group hug.

Download nomination forms for the committee. Or if you can’t open the form just give me (Kathy) the details and I’ll fill it in and you can sign on the night.  Of course just like vampires, we do love a bit of new blood….  so feel free to bring along a few friends.  One has to pay one’s membership by the night to be considered a financial member but you can pay on the night so you’re entitled to vote.  We don’t gerrymander here. Or have Russian input.  And no political party affiliations!!!!  Or campaigning!  You’ll have enough of that in May.

See you on Friday.

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