Some Admin and this Saturday’s working Party!

Membership Renewal.

Some of you lovely members have already crossed my palm with folding stuff, and I have receipts writ for you. For those of you who like formal reminders, attached is an invoice (for a mere $10 per person) to stay financial for this year. And it gives you the right to vote. We accept most forms of monetary equivalence – cash, cheque, direct deposit, or just plain gold.

You can pay on-line to:
Gheerulla Hall and Recreation Association Inc.
Bank: Westpac
Branch: Tewantin
BSB: 034 219
Acct: 341606
Or give us cash when you come to the Working Bee!!

Saturday March 2 from 8.30 am – Working bee at Hall

As you know we have to occasionally spruce up the Hall, and we cleverly do this especially prior to a public even so we look our best, or when we are going to have visiting dignitaries. and both are happening on QWW Day. Hence the working bee this Saturday 2 March. And to show how organised we are we have a list of jobs. You can put your hand up for your preferred (yeah, everyone wants the easy stuff and no-one wants the toilets). Even an hour or so can be a contribution: and such delightful and scintillating company!! Forget Married at First Sight – here you may meet your True Love!. So here goes:

  1. Grounds: whipper snipping fenceline; removing rubbish under Hall to the dump; weeding around plants; maybe mowing; and/or fixing washout inn driveway.
  2. Inside: cleaning kitchen; sweeping hall floor and maybe washing; tidying up the books!! and for the handymen putting up some blinds on the western window and back porch.

For your efforts you will be rewarded with a cup of tea. Or a sausage at the AGM BBQ and an honourable mention. And for the workaholics you can always help out again on Thursday when we set up for QWW.

So. Additional equipment like whippersnippers, trailers (for the junk under the Hall and the pile of old wood at the back) etc is always welcome. Let us know if you’re coming if possible either via email ( or to 0481129527. I wait with bated breath for your reply.


Pollyanna XX

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