Tree planting at Gheerulla Hall this Sunday

National Tree Day Planting at Gheerulla Hall will be at 9:30am Sunday 28th of July. Dave Brough has been preparing the garden bed in front of the deck and ramp all weekend.

Related, as it is also about beautifying our landscape, the day before (on Saturday 27th evening) Yandina School of Arts will host the next Landscape music event from 5pm onwards.

“Switch Tennis” Family Day

A reminder for Gheerulla Tennis Club’s

Come and Play – “Switch Tennis” – Family Day

Adults and children court time will be scheduled separately.

If you or your child/children wish to attend, you will need to register by Monday, 1st July. That’s this Monday, folks!

You can use a downloadable Entry Form which can be emailed to Carita Parker (details on entry form) or handed in to Robyn at Kenilworth Post Office.

Adults $15.00 (includes lunch)
Children $5.00 (includes lunch).

We hope you will be able to attend. If you have any queries, please contact Carita Parker (0438 156 009).

Hope to see some of you there.

What’s Happening at Gheerulla Hall

Well it’s been a while now since the last missive, so you’re probably going around with your tongue hanging out for news.

First and foremost, your new management team for 2019 is:

President : David Badgery
Vice President : Lucas Johnson
Minutes Secretary: Susan Rough
Treasurer: Don Law

Committee Members: Robyn Pfeiffer, Libby Rough, Mary Ann Law, Ros Barrett, Noala Mockeridge, David Brough, Miriam English.

On the committee Robyn represents the Gheerulla Tennis Club, Miriam looks after the webpage, the writers group meetings, the computer help sessions and the inspirational talks program, Libby Rough looks after the Facebook page. Don looks after hall bookings.

Any member is welcome to attend management meetings or contribute in any way in the management of the hall. The next meeting will be at 5.00 pm Friday 21st June at the hall. So you can be there! The meetings are usually over in time to get home for dinner at 7.00pm. See you there to socialize.

Some of our coming events are:

  • 10am 21st June – Do You Want a Free Computer? Come and have a cup of tea and find out more. That will be followed by TED talk (and other) videos which will give you good reasons to feel optimistic about the future — a change from all the negativity we hear on the news at present.
  • 10am 7th July Switch Tennis organized by the Gheerulla Tennis Club. $15/adult and $5/child including lunch. Booking essential. Carita 0438156009
  • 10am 19th July Morning Tea with Sharon Schofield from Easton Lawyers, Maleny, to answer your questions about Wills. Bring a plate to share for morning tea. All welcome. Leave message on 0448848838 or email if you would like to attend.
  • 10am 28th July National Tree Day at Gheerulla Hall. This year we’ll plant a number of native plants along the Eumundi- Kenilworth fenceline . The site will ready for planting and all tools provided. Just come with gardening gloves, wear a hat and suitable clothing for a couple of hours enjoying the outdoors. A great chance to enjoy the sunshine. Sunscreen and water will be provided. A BBQ lunch will follow.
  • Don’t forget Line Dancing 9am every Wednesday. As well as being fun, it’s a great way to exercise to great music, and keep senility at bay. Even Catalyst says so! And it won’t cost you the earth – its free or a gold coin donation to the hall. Irene generously prepares the sessions and gives her time for free. Many thanks, Irene. For more information phone Irene 0400097602.
  • Then at 9am every Thursday it’s Exercises With Jo. These are low impact workouts and also exercises your laughing gear. Only $5 as classes are financially supported by the Sunshine Coast Council. Then we recover with a cuppa and other delights. Classes are suitable for ♀♂ LGBTI&Q. If you haven’t been, you’re missing out.

Later in the year at 5pm Sunday 20th October it will be our turn to host the Sunshine Coast Landscape Nature Concert. This is a travelling show across the small halls of the Sunshine Coast.There will be songs , light displays and poetry celebrating the ocean, rivers, mountains, wetlands and rainforests around us. Gheerulla Hall’s contribution will be to provide food and drinks for sale. The organizers have asked if there are any local musicians who would be interested in being part of the concert. If you know anyone who would like to participate let us know. You’ll hear more about this later. This is supported by the Sunshine Coast Council.

We’d love to hear your suggestions or if you would like to help in any way please let us know

Gheerulla Hall Supporting the Local Community

NOTE: Sorry folks. I (Miriam) was supposed to post this a few days ago. The delay is my fault, not Mary Ann’s.

Upcoming events

We have two bookings for the hall:

Saturday, 15th June – Libby’s birthday party
Weekend, 13-14th July – Ahlish and Adrian’s wedding.

Thursday, 5pm, 20th June – the next Gheerulla Hall Management meeting.

Sunday 28th July – I have registered for National Tree Day for planting some more trees followed by a BBQ. Already 10 people registered to help.

Sunday, 7th August – Gheerulla Tennis Club will be holding a “Come and Play” day. Registrations are required. More details will be in the next issue of the Mary Valley Voice.

Computer help and uplifting talks

Sorry about the late notification. This Friday — tomorrow, the 19th of April — at 10am we have Computer Help at the hall. Bring along your computer problems and we’ll see if we can solve them, or help with alternatives. If you don’t understand something we might be able to help there too.

After that, at 11am, we’ll show some Uplifting Talks. Did you know, despite what you’re told on the irresponsible “news” media, this is the most peaceful time in history? Did you know rates of violent crimes have been declining for hundreds of years? We all have easier access to more knowledge now than royalty did just decades ago. We live longer and more healthily than ever before. Are you worried about robots, wars, unemployment, new diseases? Things are actually MUCH better than you might think.

It’s always the third Friday of each month.

Both these sessions are free. An optional gold coin donation to the hall is appreciated.

(NOTE: donations go to hall maintenance, not to me. I provide snacks out of my own pocket. If you want to bring snacks you’re most welcome to do so, though you’re not obliged to.)

Writing group next Wednesday

Hi folks,

We’re meeting at the same time and place:

11am, Wednesday, the 3rd of April
at Gheerulla Hall.
Free — optional gold coin donation to the Hall.

I was thinking of discussing Lord Raglan’s Hero Pattern, and whether it can be useful to us as writers.

Bring anything you wrote that you might want to read out for feedback. Please don’t feel that you need to, though; it’s entirely voluntary.

Anybody who is interested is welcome.

I’ll bring coffee, tea, cocoa, cup-a-soup, and perhaps potato crisps, maybe olives, or something more healthy if I can think of it. (Note that I pay for these out of my own pocket, not from the hall donations. The donations go to Gheerulla Hall itself.)

– Miriam