Computer help and uplifting talks

Sorry about the late notification. This Friday — tomorrow, the 19th of April — at 10am we have Computer Help at the hall. Bring along your computer problems and we’ll see if we can solve them, or help with alternatives. If you don’t understand something we might be able to help there too.

After that, at 11am, we’ll show some Uplifting Talks. Did you know, despite what you’re told on the irresponsible “news” media, this is the most peaceful time in history? Did you know rates of violent crimes have been declining for hundreds of years? We all have easier access to more knowledge now than royalty did just decades ago. We live longer and more healthily than ever before. Are you worried about robots, wars, unemployment, new diseases? Things are actually MUCH better than you might think.

It’s always the third Friday of each month.

Both these sessions are free. An optional gold coin donation to the hall is appreciated.

(NOTE: donations go to hall maintenance, not to me. I provide snacks out of my own pocket. If you want to bring snacks you’re most welcome to do so, though you’re not obliged to.)

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