Hi Folks,
There will be a Computer Help session at Gheerulla Hall at 10am this Friday 15th February (the 3rd Friday of each month), followed by Uplifting Talks at 11am (why the common belief that everything is getting worse is mistaken).
Both sessions are free (though I encourage you to make a gold coin donation to Gheerulla Hall for giving us the space for this — donations go to the hall, not to me).
I’ve recently spent a while removing some nasty software from a cheap PendoPad tablet computer I bought at Nambour Post Office. I’ll show you how to remove such things and what to look out for. If you bring along your tablet we can check to see if it has any malware on it, and remove it.
For the uplifting talks I was thinking of showing a short video on how we’ve solved the problem of the population explosion and how cheap robots in space can save our planet… and how they already are.
I’ll bring coffee, tea, cocoa, cup-a-soup, and some light snacks.
You bring whatever you want and whoever you want.