The Writing Group will be meeting, as usual, at the hall on the 1st Wednesday of the month.
11am, Wednesday 1st August, 2018
Free (gold coin donation to the Hall is optional)
I’ll provide tea, coffee, cocoa, cup-a-soup, probably potato crisps, maybe olives or anything healthier I can think of.
Bring yourselves, any stories you might feel like reading out, your thoughts on publishing, and how to make yourself write when you don’t feel like it. Also welcome are any ideas on genres, story formatting, writing tricks and techniques, and anything else you might be interested in that is connected with writing fiction or non-fiction.
What are your thoughts on graphic novels (comicbooks)?
Is it better to plan out your story in advance or launch into an idea and see where it takes you?
What do you think about editing? Edit as you write? Edit weeks or months after you’ve finished? Get someone else to edit for you?
See you there!