Just a reminder for the FUN working bee this Saturday 28th at 11.00 am the Hall. We will find something for you to do!!
Working bee, Saturday 28 April, 11.00 am (after yoga)
Yes, it will be the Saturday after Anzac Day;
Bring ye mowers, whippersnippers, secateurs, spades (we plan to put in a small garden between the hall and ramp and the path, and maybe around the old septic tank hazard).
And if you have a chainsaw fetish, there are a few loose boughs you can take home for the fire.
Inside the hall can always do with a bit of spit and polish, and pursuit of arachnids
or you can just come and make tea for us all.
Bring your lunch
Don may give us a demo of his Table Tennis prowess to inspire
Better still come to yoga beforehand at 9.30 and experience physical delight and mental bliss, to put you in an enthusiastic frame of mind!