Memberships due and other stuff

Many greetings to all you afficionados of Gheerulla Hall.

1. Looming AGM

It’s that fun time of year again, where we look forward to the horizon of the AGM. To this end, this is a reminder that Membership fees of the Hall are now due. For a measly $10 per person per year, you become a supporter of the Hall, are kept posted of activities, get to read this exclusive missive, and have the right to vote. (All genders, all proclivities. Better than Citizenship). As the membership fees are an important base of the hall financials, and membership a leverage for grant funding, the more the merrier. The sooner you can attend to this the better, so I have all the receipts and stuff up-to-date. Like all good We have many ways of receiving your money, be it by

  • direct deposit to the Westpac account below;
  • cash;
  • cheque;
  • bitcoin?

Electronic funds transfer (EFT) – Westpac

BSB 034 175
Account 590079
Reference Last Name

Many thanks to those who’ve already paid. Your names are written in gold in the Book of Membership. Updates on the AGM and stuff will follow soon. But mark the calendar – Friday 23 March – fun will be had. A membership form is attached if you wish to alter your details. Now to other stuff.

2. Other fundraising possibilities.

If you’ve attended the odd meeting in the past you may be aware we need to raise at least $6,000 pa to keep the Hall going and cover essential expenses. (Insurance, maintenance etc.) In the past this has been achieved with fees, donations, some hall hire and fundraising events put on by the hall itself. Looking to extend these options, I have attached a letter from the Eumundi Markets regarding the Hall members doing a rostered turn at the carpark during the Eumundi Markets. The hall gets a fee. Your feedback is requested on this, particularly if you would be willing to be part of the roster. If there are not enough people to volunteer for the roster, it won’t happen anyway. Let me know if you are willing and for which dates. I have a volunteer’s handbook which I can forward on to those interested.

3. Join in the Goings-On

Remember we now have Yoga, Drumming, Line Dancing and Senior’s Exercises at the Hall, with more stuff soon to add. The programme is filling fast. Expect more details soon!


Hi Kathy,

We currently have one shift available on the Car Park. It is the 5th Wednesday of the month of which there are 4 this year:

30th May
29th August
31st October

This shift is on the Albert street gate from 7.00am – 1.00pm for a $264.00 donation to your group. Most other groups who do this shift split it in half i.e. 7.00-10.00 and 10.00-1.00 with 2 people for each. I have attached the Volunteer Handbook and the Master Roster for you to read. If you have any questions please let me know. You have the first refusal of the shift, I will not offer it to any other groups until you have had the opportunity to present it to the committee and members and have reached a decision.

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