Well, like the mythical phoenix rising from the ashes, the infamous Ukeladies, KUBE, or whatever we were most recently nomened, let us gather again before Christmas. After all, we did gather early in the year and started with a bang, so let’s finish the year likewise. I am suggesting that we gather on Friday 1st December from 2.00 pm onwards, at Gheerulla Hall, and pretend to do uke. Our christmas flourish. SO bring a nibble or two. Friends welcome, (Dee – that means Tina, Pam – can you let Denise know cos her friend in Kandanga who plays uke might come, and Mim, you too) and others. May even plan a lesson!! (Ukulele Underground has Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds?!), but no guarantees – bit like any appliance purchase these days. Or feel free to practise yourself and bring along your latest offering. Let me know if you are interested and willing, otherwise I’ll just eat cake at home without you. I promise Lisa and I won’t sing “Í’m growing a beard down there for Christmas”.
Ever Yours,