Writing group

Just a quick reminder that the next get-together of people interested in writing is just under a week away, on:

Wednesday the 6th of December at 11am

Always the first Wednesday of the month. At Gheerulla Hall, of course. No need to bring anything

We will have tea, coffee, cocoa, and probably potato crisps.
A donation to the Hall of a gold coin is welcome, but not necessary.


Uke people and friends

Well, like the mythical phoenix rising from the ashes, the infamous Ukeladies, KUBE, or whatever we were most recently nomened, let us gather again before Christmas.  After all, we did gather early in the year and started with a bang, so let’s finish the year likewise.  I am suggesting that we gather on Friday 1st December  from 2.00 pm  onwards, at Gheerulla Hall, and pretend to do uke.  Our christmas flourish.  SO bring a nibble or two.  Friends welcome, (Dee – that means Tina, Pam – can you let Denise know cos her friend in Kandanga who plays uke might come, and Mim, you too) and others.  May even plan a lesson!! (Ukulele Underground has Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds?!), but no guarantees – bit like any appliance purchase these days.  Or feel free to practise yourself and bring along your latest offering.  Let me know if you are interested and willing, otherwise I’ll just eat cake at home without you.  I promise Lisa and I won’t sing “Í’m growing a beard down there for Christmas”.

Ever Yours,


Cent Sale on 8th of December

Time to clear out Aunt Hilma’s whatnot, and give good quality items to us.  Or sponsor a prize.  Or something. And of course, the Sale itself is a way to get lots of goodies to gift on at Christmas.  If you’ve never been to a Cent Sale, time to come to one so you can cross it off your bucket list.  Don’t worry tho’- we’ll give you another reminder before the day.

(Sorry, I should have posted this some days ago — Miriam.)

Drum classes at Gheerulla hall?

Hi all. Thanks to Annie, I have met Ziko, who teaches drum classes on a Wednesday night in Gympie.   He teaches using djembe, dun-dun, congas, bongos and something else I can’t pronounce.  If any of you made it to the Mary River Festival on Saturday, you may have done his workshop and seen all us workshoppers perform (some rhythm which was a mix of latin american, voodoo, samba) which may have been responsible for the rain we had next day!

  • Ziko is prepared to come and teach classes every week at Gheerulla Hall, if there is enough interest. Classes usually last 1 1/2 hours for $20, minimum 10 people.  He has an hours’ drive each way to get here.
  • Day would be Tuesday evening (he teaches Monday and Wednesday elsewhere)
  • Time: start time anywhere between 5.00 pm and 6.00 pm.  (i.e. 5.00 pm, 5.30 pm, or 6.00 pm)
  • Possible start dates – 21 November, or 28 November.

I urge to check out his webpage and Facebook link if you are interested.  He also makes African harps, and plays other instruments.  If you’ve always had a secret passion for African based drum music (and South American, and Cuban and the rest) then don’t let this opportunity pass.

So we can confirm with Ziko, can you respond to me if you are interested, preferably by 18 November, if we are to start on 21st.  Many thanks,

