writing group – afterwards

Our first meeting was fun. There were only three of us. I wonder if there will be more next month.

We sat together at a table, drank coffee or hot chocolate (the tea remained unopened) and discussed a wide range of things, including, of course, writing.

Pat suggested a quick writing exercise, which we tried. It amazed me that it is possible to create something so easily like that, even though I thought it would be difficult to just come up with something on the spur of the moment. I think what helped was the fact that there was no judgement and we didn’t expect anything deep or inspiring. It gagged my internal censor and out popped something I would never have normally thought of.

Thinking about that this morning while I was surfacing from sleep, it hit me how many things I’ll never write because I don’t simply sit down and do so. Time marches on. I’ll never have another now. The minutes are valuable. I should be creating as much as I can before it’s too late. I don’t want to die with all my stories still inside me. That would be a waste.

Come along to the next meeting. Yes, I know it will be during NaNoWriMo. Perhaps we can use that to help us all write more.

EDIT: We’re changing it to 9am on the first Wednesday of each month. Anybody with thoughts on the matter?