Kenilworth bus stops at Gheerulla

In case you’re not aware, the Kenilworth Chamber of Commerce is organising a trial bus service from Kenilworth to Nambour once a week.  The important thing to note, is that it will pick up (and drop off) at Gheerulla by prior arrangement.

Currently, the bus goes on Wednesdays, departing from Kenilworth Info Centre at 10.00 am (passing Gheerulla about 10.15 / 10.20 am).  The return cost is $8.00 only, but needs to be booked a day or so earlier.  The route includes stops at the Nambour Hospital, Nambour Plaza, and Coles shops.  It departs Nambour 2.30 pm from Nambour.

Yours truly is going this Wednesday, to enjoy the delights of a sojurn in Nambour. Join me!


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